The Cliffs of Kerry, Ireland
Alertness - The Ability to perceive your surroundings correctly.
This past May my family climbed a hill. As we approached the top, a strong wind began to blow. The closer we came, the stronger it blew. At the crest the green grass gave way sheer cliffs and granite rock. The ground gave way to seagulls gliding beneath our feet. My breath was taken. My chest expanded. The vast Atlantic stretched out to the horizon and the island fell into the ocean. Standing on the precipice, the rugged beauty was overwhelming. In an instant I became uniquely aware of my place on the Irish Isle, located in the harsh North Atlantic Ocean.
We all have moments of orientation; insights that call us to new perspectives and understandings. The question is, "Are you listening?" Are you paying attention to your circumstances close enough to frame reality correctly? Without an awareness of both your internal and external worlds, you will be driven by unconscious desires and outside forces you don't understand. You will miss opportunities for growth. Here are a few practical steps to increase your alertness and your ability to respond with wisdom.
In your personal life:
- Pay attention to what you are thinking or feeling when you wake up. Don't immediately begin your day. Your mind is most rested in the morning. Sit with your thoughts and see where they lead. What do you learn?
- Set aside a time each day when your phone is off and your body is still.
- Take two minutes daily and write down your thoughts. It doesn't have to be Shakespeare! You'll be amazed at what you learn.
In Your Organization:
- At your next team gathering ask, "What are the trends and patterns we see around us?"
- What opportunities are presented by these trends?
- Write out 3-5 ways your team can respond?
The world is speaking. Are you listening?
P.S. Tom Paterson used to say, "Opportunity Whispers." I love that quote.