Today Tom is 92 years old and lives in Ft. Collins, CO
Meet Tom
Tom Paterson developed the Paterson Process in 1972. Tom worked with Peter Drucker for much of his consulting career. Those who knew the two of them called Drucker the "business theorist" and Tom the "process practician."
Tom has greatly contributed to the world as we know it. His thinking led to the original patent and innovation of the ATM. He crafted the original concept for Space Mountain in Disneyland. Tom led innovative teams for NASA, Boeing, IBM and RCA. He was a lead consultant to China in the 1980's, commissioned by President Reagan's administration to help top industry leaders think though China's role in the global economy.
The Paterson Processes are time-tested, behaviorally sound, and customized to the unique world of the client.
When I met Tom his vitality, energy and engagement with life was absolutely inspiring and it's a privilege to be a part of the work he began.