
We never travel alone.  No matter our talent or skill, we have never done it on our own.  We never travel alone.  

As you start this new year, take a moment to express gratitude for the people in your life.    Take some time to think through the seasons of this past year and, as they come to mind, write out the names of people who have journeyed with you. .   

  • What was a difficulty you faced this year?  Who was there for you?  
  • What were the unexpected moments from this past year?  Were there any relationships that sprung from these moments?    
  • What were opportunities or successes you had this past year?  Who were the people connected to these opportunities or successes?  

Now, choose at least one of these people and say "thank you."  Here are three ways to do so: 

  1. Write that person an email.  Tell them what they mean to you and why.  
  2. Write a letter...on an actual piece of paper and send it through the mail.
  3. Schedule a cup of coffee or invite them for a meal.  Be sure at some point during the conversation to thank them for what they mean to you.

We never travel alone and I'm thankful.  

PS. Listen to this song by Andrew Peterson while you're walk through these questions.  It will absolutely help...and it's amazing.  

