Yellow Brick Road.jpg

It's been a long time since my last post.  My sincerest apologies.  To make sure everyone is up to speed, here's where we stand.  The purpose of this series is for you to gain forward momentum towards a goal in your life, rather than staying stuck in the world of imagined ideas and good intentions.  Over the next several days we are walking through six steps that WILL create positive change in your life.  So far, we've covered the first two.  If you need a refresher, go back and read the first two post. 

  • Step 1:  Start with your Why
  • Step 2: Gain Clarity  
  • Step 3: Create a pathway
  • Step 4: Build a Habit
  • Step 5:  Face the Brutal Facts
  • Step 6: Bring in others for accountability and celebration

Steps 3: Create a Pathway

When the Glinda the Good Witch tells Dorothy to go to Oz, she doesn't tell her, "Just wander through forrest towards the green glow and flying monkeys."  She tells her, "Follow..."  I don't even need to write rest of the phrase.  Dorothy faces huge obstacles throughout her journey, but is able to reach Oz because she had a clear, unambiguous path to follow.  We all agree it works in the movies, but then fail to set those same clear pathways  to reach our actual goals and destinations.  It's much easier to say, "Don't worry, I see the faint green on the horizon.  If I get lost, I'll just ask a monkey for directions." 

Think back to the original goal you set for yourself.  Embedded within the "Deep How" are immediate steps you need to take.  Like individual bricks, these steps link together to form patterns of action, the way you should go.  

To clarify your pathway write your responses to these questions. 

  • What are the patterns of action you notice in order to reach your goal?  
  • Finish the phrase, "In order to reach my goal I always need to  __________________."
  • What are the challenges you will face both internally and externally in making progress?
  • What steps can you take to mitigate against these challenges?  

Finally, for those who love closure..."the yellow brick road."  

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