
I have a rule.  Well, it's more of an observed intuition that turns out to be supported by science!  "If you really want to get something done, don't talk about it to tons of people, but try and keep it to yourself."  For years I've known this to be true of myself, but have never understood the underlying reasons why.  I've even said to friends, "I've got this great idea, but I'm not going to jinx it by saying it out loud." Here's why.  The brain is a super powered, creative, imaginative beast.  In fact, it's so good at simulating an anticipated future that when you imagine a goal coming to fruition it can actually feel like you've already reached it.  In other words, the imagined future can easily replace our present reality.  We get the positive feelings and all the associated dopamine of achievement, while in reality nothing actually changes!  

Does this mean that you are doomed to a life of imagined possibilities rather than changed present realities?  No.  Over the next several weeks we will cover five steps that will help you focus the beast and move from imagined possibilities to present realities.  They are: 1) Gain Absolute Clarity.  2) Create a clear pathway 3) Build a habit 4) Face the Brutal Facts 5) Bring a friend or team onboard for celebration and accountability.  

We'll cover each of these steps in the coming weeks, but for now take a moment and write down one goal or hope you imagine happening, but have had difficulty achieving.  My hope is that together we can make forward progress and see change for the good in each our lives.   

I'd love to hear what you are thinking.  So, shoot me an email at brian@m5planning.com or mention your thoughts in the comments section above.   


