"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

In America we hold these words with an almost religious reverence.  They declare to the world that America is independent and its people free to determine their own fate.   They hang on our second grade classroom walls. They're enshrined in our nation's capital under bullet-proof glass.  They inspire us beyond ourselves and call us to be more than we have been.   But make no mistake, these thirty-five words set the world on fire and the men who wrote them were insurrectionist.  

The founding fathers had a vision and a mission to create a nation unlike anything the world had known.  Their words were powerful.  Their declaration bold.  Their cause was anything but sure and the forces massed against them were immense.  But, the small band of men and women who joined Adams, Franklin, and Jefferson changed the world. 

But their example does not need to stay in the history books.  If you listen closely, their voices will continue to inspire you to rise up against forces amassed against you and declare that you are free, that you will thrive...that you are an insurrectionist.  Take a moment to join the Founding Fathers and declare your independence!

What are the forces arrayed against you personally?  Against your family?  Your work?

What bold words inspire you to live for the good of others and beyond yourself, they call you to be more than you have been? Take minute to write out a vision for each of these areas.  

What is one step you can take to move towards this vision? 

