Several months ago I visited St. Gilgen Church in Austria. It's a small pilgrimage church with beautiful architecture and a truly stunning alter. But, what struck me were the fingernail marks and well worn floorboards.  As I walked down the simple church isle my steps were guided less by my own desire and more by the groove carved in the wooden floor under my feet. As I sat down in a pew near the front of the church I read the name "Theresie  Weinbeiher 1877."  The rail was worn and pitted from thousands of faithful hands.  

There were a just few other people in the chapel with me, but I had a strong sense that we were not alone.  The voices, hopes, and prayers of generations before still seemed to resonate around the stone walls.  In that moment I was struck by the reality that we all stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us.  It was a realization that caused me to pause and give thanks. 

What are the channels that were carved for you?  How has your path been guided by others?    What are the names and dates of the people who have come before you?  Take the next five minutes to write a note, an email or send a text of gratitude and appreciation to a person in your life that has helped prepare your way.  
