
Imagine yourself two months from today.  The Thanksgiving turkey is long gone, the presents have all been open, and Ryan Seacrest has announced the New Year.  You wake up after a long night of rest, walk into a quiet kitchen, fix a cup of coffee, and look out over your frost covered backyard.  Take a moment and imagine what that morning will feel like.  

Will you be excited?  Worried?  Anticipating? Ambivalent?  

Now the more important question.  What do you want that morning to feel like? 

Over the next few days, you will be invited into two specific ways to prepare for that cold, frost-covered morning two months from now.  The invitation will take you down a path towards thriving and an incredible 2018.  Of course, you are always free to stay exactly where you are, but I promise there are good things waiting on the other side.  

Are you ready?  


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