League of Justice.jpg

It is not good for the man to be alone. Genesis 2:18

I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party.  -Cal Naughton, Jr., Talladega Nights

Last one. Step Six! 

Everything we've worked through up to this point is built on one key secret.  You can't do it on your own.   

Everything in you is saying, "No way, I've got this.  I don't want to bother people.  I'll just keep trying."  But, the truth is you were not created to have success or experience failure on your own.  You need other people to encourage, to challenge, and share the load.  What would it look like to intentionally invite a team of people into your life to help create momentum towards the goals you've set out?  Then, as you find success, to celebrate and encourage you along the way.  

Consider which of the following types of people would be fill the greatest need in your life moving forward.

The Expert or Guide: This person has deep knowledge and experience in an area you would like to grow.  Think Mr. Miyagi, Yoda or Captain Sully.  Ideally, you'd love to find a Level 5 Leader, but at minimum, you are looking for a person who is a bit further down the road and is able to tell you what may be around the next corner or two.    

The Encourager:  This person is on your team no matter what.  They bring you up emotionally and spiritually.  They have a high emotional intelligence and often intuit the needs of others.  They are excited when you succeed and help you through the tough times.   After a conversation with this person you feel good about yourself, like the sun is brighter and your steps are lighter.  

The Challenger: This person is not satisfied with the status quo and does the work necessary to change it.  They are known for their hustle and getting the job done.  In conversation they often push back on your ideas.   They're inquisitive and are known for living on the intense end of life's spectrum.  When a Challenger comes to terms with the anger or fear that often propels their actions, they can be amazing advocates for good in your life and the world.  Think MLK & Mother Theresa.

The Visionary or Strategist: This person looks at life with a sense of anticipation and excitement.  They see potential around every corner, are creative thinkers and often times will connect new solutions to existing problems.  A visionary lives on the mountain top and is looking down the ridge-line to see what's coming next.  

The Tactician:  These are the nuts and bolts people.  They naturally see the immediate challenges and are good at problem solving the issues at hand.  These people love jigsaw puzzles, keep lists and probably have multiple meat thermometers to ensure the chicken is cooked properly.   

Write down your responses to who could fill these roles for you.

In the area I need to grow, I admire __________________________ for what they have accomplished and believe I could learn a great deal from their experience. 

_______________________________ has always been kind to me.  I just feel better after we spend time together. 

If I invited _______________________________ to help me, I'm sure they would push me to improve.  It may not be easy, but in the end I know it would be for my good.

_______________________________ always has such great ideas!  I would love it if they could help me think through potential options. 

_______________________________ is organized and I've seen them stay committed to a task or problem.  They can definitely help me put order to my ideas.

I will contact at least two of these people by this date: _______________________.     

Let's party!




