StratOp is a multi-day, team discovery process that guides you to a holistic perspective and plan on the strategic, operational, and financial aspects of your organization.
It helps you know where you are now, where you should go and creates a customized plan for how to get there.
StratOp provides a retreat for leadership to gain perspective on the strategic, operational and financial realities, then plan the way forward.
When we plan strategically, we make decisions today that impact tomorrow. When we plan operationally, we make decisions that help us manage today more effectively. StratOp is a multi-day, team-discovery planning process that helps us to do both.
Many organizations are not focused around a central plan, and many leaders are left wondering how to maximize potential. With StratOp, your entire team will be focused around the same unique mission and vision, and will have a clear plan to make that vision a reality.
My approach is to facilitate a proven process with you and your leadership team, trusting the process to guide you to self-discover the facts and truths of your organization and create a customized plan that fits your financial and staff capacities. My goal is to help you become self-sufficient in a new way of managing and measuring the progress of your plan.
Interwoven throughout the StratOp Process are:
When we plan strategically, we make decisions today that impact tomorrow. When we plan operationally, we make decisions that help us manage today more effectively. This broad examination enables a custom-tailored MasterPlan that defines your total strategy.
StratOp is designed to enable ongoing strategic action and change. Tom Paterson, creator of the StratOp Process, would often say, "Plans don't self-execute; they have to be managed." At the end of the experience you will be equipped with a process for ongoing evaluation and accountability. The StratOp Process allows for deep ownership, offers practical tools for ongoing decision-making and equips you with the ability to refine your purpose and vision for years to come.