Aristotle said, "To be a friend to someone you must eat a sack of salt together."  He didn't mean you literally eat a sack of salt and then magically become friends.  The phrase paints an image of time spent together over many meals...a pinch of salt here, a pinch of salt there.  In that time you will experience difficulty, happiness, sadness and laughter; the birth of children and the passing of loved ones.  With each pinch of salt you add a story to the friendship and slowly a new history is formed.  From a shared history comes loyalty, wisdom, sacrifice and growth.  But, this doesn't happen quickly or easily.  It takes time and intention.  

Our culture resists "sack of salt" relationships.  The resistance is in the air we breathe.  The drive to produce and busy ourselves surrounds us on all sides.  Between work, kids and the never ending list of tasks, nurturing long-lasting friendships can easily fall off of our radar.  But, we must resist.  We must pause.  We must initiate. 

Take the next fifteen seconds to close your eyes and think through your relationships.  Who is someone in your life who is a "sack of salt" friend?  What would it take to reach out and share a meal together?  

A pinch of salt here, a pinch of salt there...
