Our days are filled with bloodstained pages.

     We glimpse the Massa Damnata,

          but are numb to the evil slowly constricting our souls.


We confess frittering away our days,

      worried about our small gardens,

          while our brothers’ fields burn and smolder.


Our eyes fixed downward,

     we have forgotten the pathway up Your mountain.


But in your grace,

     anticipating our gaze, You whisper,

          “Look to the lilies.”


Give us courage to see, to believe, to hope and know

     that what we do in this place,

          in this space matters.


Grant us courage to journey as Pilgrims who anticipate Your guidance.

     Guard us from becoming wanderers who consume,

          iPhones at the ready.


Lift our eyes. Fill them with tears,

     that the parched fields below will know

          the Green,

               the Love,

                    the Life.   

