To me there are three things everyone should do every day. Number one is laugh. Number two is think — spend some time in thought. Number three, you should have your emotions move you to tears. If you laugh, think and cry, that’s a heck of a day.  -Coach Jim Valvano

To be fully alive you must relate well to your emotions.  Emotions are often a conduit for deep, meaningful connections with ourselves and others.  They bring color and vibrancy to the world.  But, unchecked or unknown emotions often do more damage than good.  So, to live well means to engage our emotions as old friends, welcomed at our table with a shared history and story.

But, how will you know that you are relating to your emotions well?  What are the signs?

You have to GAS your emotions.  First, treat your emotions as though they are Guest.  This means that you neither ignore them or let them absolutely take over.  Treating emotions as a guest means you are attentive to their needs, but you also carry on with the life you were living before they arrived!  Second, you have to become aware of their Arising.  In other words, you gain the ability to understand when emotions are beginning to impact you.  You understand their historical roots and the effect they have other people. Finally, once you have gained perspective on identifying and interacting with your emotions, you leverage them to Serve rather than hinder your relationships.

To GAS your emotions means that you treat your emotions as Guest, gain the ability to tell when and why they are arising, then use those emotions to serve others.

So, what is your practice or routine?  What are your resources to GAS your emotions?  Have you done the work of truly knowing your own story?  Do you journal?  How often do you practice vulnerable conversation?

If it seems daunting, lean in.  Any difficulty or fear are mere echoes of the good that is waiting.
