
Originally from Northwest Florida, I have lived in the Birmingham area since 1994.   I’ve been married to Renee for 22 years. Together, we have two amazing boys, Cooper and Owen. These three people are the joy of my life.

I served as a Campus Minister at Samford University for 16 years. Throughout these years, I walked alongside generations of students, helping them discover their identity, call, and vocation. In 2014 I began working as a LifePlan guide. Two years later, I was certified as a StratOp guide. Currently, I’m gaining certification as Professional Leadership Coach.

My life purpose is to “curate relationships towards kingdom life so those at the edge know God.” These words serve as a guide, they allow me to step into new areas with confidence, and stay focused on areas of primary impact.

People often ask, “What does M5 mean?” In the gospel of Matthew 5:13-15, Jesus describes his followers as salt and light in the world. This is what I want for you. It’s the reason M5Coaching exists.

My passion is to help you discover the life you are meant to live, chart a pathway forward, and see true change!