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The Path of God...only with a leap from the lion's head will he prove his worth - Indiana Jones, The Last Crusade

It's one of the iconic movie scenes from my teenage years.  Indiana Jones, in an attempt to save his dying father, must journey through three trials.  The first two test his knowledge and humility.  But the last and most difficult challenges his faith.  He must cross a deep gorge to save his dying father, but there is no bridge.  He is out of options and out of time.   Fear fills his face. His eyes dart side to side and then an epiphany happens.   His countenance transforms and with a sense of calmness he puts his hand over his heart, lifts his left leg straight out and falls forward into the void.  

Ultimately, Indy came to a point of surrender.  It took him a lifetime of work to get to the edge of the cliff.  But, his talent and knowledge could take him no further.  He had to surrender. 

An antinomy is a statement that contains two different and opposite laws or truths.  Freedom is an antinomy.  If you want to be free you must first surrender.

If you believe that your life was created with a purpose and for a reason, then it makes sense to give that life back to the one who created it.  But, we instinctively hold on and want to keep our lives within controlled parameters, to protect what we perceive to be ours.  But, it's not until we fully surrender, until we fall forward into the void, that we are able to live fully into the purpose for which we were created.  

Everyone comes to the cliff's edge, when their talents and resources can take them no further.  In that moment, with your eyes darting back and forth there is an invitation, an invitation to Surrender.  
