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The Most Common Mistake In Your Life


If you've ever found  yourself wondering, "Why am I in this job?" or "What's next?", then you're not alone.  Here's why: most people lack the specific clarity needed to live powerful, intentional lives.  As a result, they spend their lives reacting to circumstances and opportunities rather than living towards a clear purpose and goal.  In fact, in the face of uncertainty, the default setting is to allow other people or circumstances to determine their future.  

To keep this from happening most people read the first chapter of a book on "decision making" and believe they've addressed the problem.  Others simply busy themselves with the "urgent" tasks of life, hoping things will work out in the end.  But, these strategies are fundamentally flawed.  At best, the world is indifferent to your success and thriving.  At worst, it's actively seeking to hold you back.  Half-hearted efforts and hoping for the best just won't work.

The truth is that if you don't do anything this pattern will lead you further and further from the place you want to be.  You can't leave your life decisions up to other people and circumstances.  But, living differently than most people does not just happen.  It takes intention and design.

  • Imagine starting next year with a clear vision of what you were created to do.
  • Imagine having energizing, affirming conversations while discovering your unique contributions and potential for life.
  • Imagine a retreat, a gift of time that allows you to press pause on the rush of daily life and breathe.
  • Imagine you are equipped to love your family well, engage your work with enthusiasm, and live your your life with hope and clarity. 


