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Find Your "Why"

Near the turn of the twentieth century The Central Leather Company was the 17th largest company in the United States.   Today, the company is gone.  Why?  It didn't anticipate the implications of the Ford Automobile.  The Central Leather Company made buggy whips and saddles.

It's easy to become focused on the "what" and the "how."  But, unless you understand the "why" you will lose the ability to adapt.  If The Central Leather Company would have framed their business as, "We help transport people because humans thrive when we connect" rather than, "We make buggy whips and saddles" they may have been able to navigate the dramatic changes of the early twentieth century.

The same can be true for each of us as well.  What is the deeper "why" of your daily life?  Why are you a student?  Why do you work at your job? Why are you in ministry?  Why are are you a father or mother?

Take a moment and think through an important area of your life.  The following prompts are designed to help you find your "Why" rather than the "What" and the "How."  Once you have clarity you'll be more equipped to navigate the future with grace and hope.  Respond to the following prompts.

An important area of my life is:

It's important because:

Now take this answer and drill down by asking yourself "why" at least three times to each consecutive answer.   Once you get to the deeper layers you're starting to uncover the deeper "why" of your actions.  What do you learn?
