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We Long Our Way Through Life


We Long Our Way Through Life

On a cool November morning in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania  Abraham Lincoln stepped up on a makeshift wooden platform, pulled a speech from his hat and spoke these words, "...It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us...that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom --- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."  At that moment he was surrounded by war, death and dissension.  

One hundred years later, in the shadow of Lincoln's memorial, Martin Luther King Jr., thundered, "I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers."  Many considered his dream a fantasy.


As Lincoln rode on the train towards Gettysburg, he gathered words from decades of struggle and thousands of faces, scribbled them down and deposited them into his tall, black, felt-lined hat.  MLK chiseled his words from granite, a lifetime of racism and oppression of a soul that longed for more.

James K.A. Smith wrote, "We long our way through life."   We live in a present that is not as it should be.  But, when we dare to quiet our minds and still our hearts, we know in subterranean ways there is more goodness to be found.  So, we keep looking.  We keep working to clear the barnacles and encrustations of life that threaten to cover the gleam of a hoped for future. 

Each time we teach our children, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" we step onto the wooden platform with Lincoln.  When we pray, "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" we join hands with Reverend King and acknowledge the world is not as it should be. 

What is a longing in your life?  

Take the next four minutes and still yourself.  Turn off your phone.  Forget the news cycle.  Be still and listen for the longing in your life.  

If a bit of guidance would be helpful, think of your life in concentric circles.  You/Your Family/Your Community/The World. Pick one of these areas and focus on it over the next moments. 

Once you've finished, write down one step you can take today to make your longing a reality.  


Roger's Letter

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Roger's Letter

David Williamson

Magical Moments are rare, it's one of the reasons we find them magical.  

This past week, quite unexpectedly, I found myself in middle of an inspiring, beautiful, and magical moment.   I'm currently teaching a class in London and, as part of the class, invited our neighbor, Roger Williamson, to help lead the discussion.  During his time with us he read a letter his father, David Williamson, wrote to his godson, Neil Scott Piercy, in 1942.  The letter was to be opened on Neil's 16th birthday, May 15th, 1958.   As he read, the class was silent and transfixed.  For me, everything paused as I listened to Roger's deep voice and flowing English accent bring his father's words to life.

I invite you to pause your day for 20 minutes and listen.  I invite you listen to this voice speak wisdom into your life from across time. 

I should point out that in 1942 the future of our world was still very much  in question.  Also, no Williamson male had lived past 45, so David was doubtful he would live to see his godson's 16th birthday.  He passed away seven years later in 1949.  

I'm am grateful to Roger for allowing me to share this letter with you.  I hope you find it as magical as I did. 

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